Warm weather for the weekend ahead but winds are expected

The weather is set to be fine this weekend, but the windy conditions could prove tricky.

As always, take good care when cooking outside and always make sure you consider your surroundings before you do. The wind can fan flames in directions you might not expect and it’s very easy for trees, shrubs and even clothing to catch light.

If you’re using an instant or portable barbecue, remember: Cool It Quick and follow our guidelines for the safest and most responsible use.

  • Place the barbecue at least 2 metres from dry grass and away from any over-hanging trees or shrubs that could catch fire
  • DO NOT use directly on ANY surface, it needs a suitable air gap underneath using bricks or a stand – make sure it’s placed onto a firm, non-flammable, heat resistant surface.
  • Never leave a barbecue unattended and keep a bucket of water close at hand
  • When you’ve finished cooking, douse your barbecue completely in water to Cool It Quick and follow the instruction on our packs for the most sustainable way to dispose of it
  • In the unfortunate event of a fire getting out of control, call 999 immediately

We want everyone to have a safe and happy summer with family and friends!