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  • ‘Jumbo’ Sticky Steak & Ale Short Ribs

    A great recipe to try on the versatile Smoker & Grill barbecue. INGREDIENTS 3 x 400-500g portions of either WEXFORD VALLEY SHORT RIBS or Jacobs ladder/short rib. BRITISH STYLE SHORT RIB DRY CURE MIX 4 tbsp rock salt 1 tbsp garlic powder 1 tbsp onion powder 1 tbsp celery salt 1 tbsp cracked black pepper [...] Continue Reading
  • Massive Kamado Price Reductions Massive Kamado Price Reductions

    We will never be able to repeat this low price, When they’re gone, they’re gone. 21" Kamado – end of season discount   Was £749, NOW £499 20" Kamado pizza – end of season discount   Was £799, NOW £549     *Prices are reduced until 30th September 2022 Continue Reading
  • Instant-BBQ-Lifestyle-5 Barbecue Responsibly this Summer

    [ut_parallax_quote quote_linebreak_mobile="on" quotation_marks="no" icon_border_radius="50" quote_font_size="30" quote_line_height="50" quote_text_transform="uppercase" cite_font_weight="bold" cite_text_transform="uppercase" quote_color="#ffffff" cite="Bar-Be-Quick - INFO" cite_color="#ffffff" icon="fa fa-quote-left" icon_color="#ffffff" icon_background_color="#151515"]Using an instant barbecue responsibly..[/ut_parallax_quote] Continue Reading
  • Enjoy your next barbecue picnic responsibly

    Fire safety is something we take very seriously at Bar-Be-Quick, particularly when it comes to our instant barbecue range. We know people love a barbecue on a sunny day, but sometimes they forget the potential dangers posed by portable barbecues, especially if they are unsafely disposed of after use. Make sure you read the instructions [...] Continue Reading
  • Refurbish your cast-iron grill Refurbish your Cast Iron Grill plates

    Refurbish your Cast Iron Grill plates So let's refurbish your Cast-iron grill or sear plates, is the food sticking or are just rusty and uncared for, as you can see in the first picture below, for less than a pint of beer in your local, you can have those grills looking like new and improve [...] Continue Reading
  • Charcoal-Feature-Instant-light Charcoal TV Feature – Million Pound Motorhomes

    Charcoal TV Feature on Channel 5 this week and how exciting to see our Bar-Be-Quick Instant Lighting Charcoal on the big screen!! So get clicking on our website HERE to purchase. Continue Reading
  • tasty burger recipes 2022 Best barbecue recipes for summer 2022

    Best barbecue recipes for summer 2022 We Britons love a barbecue, but it’s fair to say that, for all our bravery when grilling in the rain, we can be a little timid when it comes to what we cook. With the upcoming heatwave set to reach the UK, it's not a bad idea to start planning your garden [...] Continue Reading
  • How to Build Tip - Pizza Kettle BBQ How to Build Tip – Pizza Kettle BBQ

    Think you are missing the bolts to attach the legs to the bowl - Have you checked in the top of each leg - as these longer bolts & washers are screwed into the legs for safekeeping! (Skip to 13:23 to see) [ut_image_gallery thumbnail_size="custom" grid="4" gap="5" image_border_radius="10" gallery="22464,22465,22466,22467" thumbnail_custom_width="300" thumbnail_custom_height="300"] Watch the full-length - normal [...] Continue Reading
  • 9 Pointers to cook on your BBQ to perfection…

    The weather is warming up, so it's time to think about having a barbecue, so why not try one of our suggestions and a matching marinade for something different. 1. Temperature wait It’s pretty stunning, but some people toss cold meat on a cold grill and then fire it up, none the wiser. By letting your [...] Continue Reading
  • Cooking barbecue temperatures

    How hot is your grill... Have you ever listened to your grill? When you’ve heated it correctly and lower that first steak onto the grates, the searing and sizzling sound is as satisfying as hearing bacon pop. But the mere sound of sizzle doesn't guarantee perfectly cooked food. Your coals live on oxygen, burning hotter [...] Continue Reading
  • Did you see our Smoke & Grill – This Morning?

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  • Curing your Kamado!

    The FIRST thing to do before you cook on your new Kamado is to CURE it, which just means having a small clean fire inside to get it warmed up and any manufacturing odors removed. This is how we suggest you do it - woodwool lighters and clean dry kindling wood Try to keep at [...] Continue Reading
  • Alternative BBQ this weekend?

    [ut_page_title title_linebreak_mobile="on" lead_linebreak_mobile="on" font_size="desktop_large=global&desktop_small=global&tablet=global&mobile=global" line_height="desktop_large=global&desktop_small=global&tablet=global&mobile=global" title_letter_spacing="desktop_large=global&desktop_small=global&tablet=global&mobile=global"]Simple & tasty pizzas on your Kamado or Pizza Kettle BBQ, uses 4 ingredients that anyone can master, like my almost 4 yrs. old granddaughter.[/ut_page_title][ut_image_gallery thumbnail_size="custom" grid="3" adjust_row="yes" gap="1" image_border_radius="9" gallery="24190,24189,24188,24187,24186,24185,24184,24183" thumbnail_custom_width="400" thumbnail_custom_height="300"] Get yourself a packet of ready-made pizza dough, this will make 2 x 10" pizzas, a carton [...] Continue Reading
  • Over 20 alternative burgers recipes to try out.

    There's more to burgers than the bog-standard beef. Switch it up with duck, cod, salmon, aubergine, beetroot or mushroom, or add a variety of creative toppings to make something extra special. Click the image below to see more. Special thanks go to the BBC Good Food Guide for these great recipes. Continue Reading
  • Best charcoal BBQs for a sizzling summer

    See our Reusable Barbecue it gets a great mention... ...From affordable pedestals and kettles, to high-end statement pieces that’ll make you the envy of your neighbours it’s high-time to re-evaluate your BBQ game Read more - HERE Continue Reading
  • Sunday Roast on the Kamado

    Here we use the Kamado and the Rotisserie unit to make a great alternative to the Sunday Roast. Simple ingredients simple cooking. Spiced Sunday Beef Joint INGREDIENTS 1kg beef roasting joint Rub: 2 tsp sea salt 1 tbsp black peppercorns 1 tbsp soft brown sugar 1 tbsp paprika 1 tbsp mustard powder 1 tbsp garlic [...] Continue Reading
  • Watch our new series of hints, tips and how tos’ ?

    We will have a series of video tips on lighting, cooking & even cleaning your barbecue so keep your eyes peeled for our 'BBQ Pointers' The first one is using our 'Firestarter' charcoal lighting accessory. [ut_animated_image image="23847" size="custom" custom_width="150" custom_height="100" custom_crop="on" image_opacity="100" image_border_radius="0" align="left" align_tablet="inherit" align_mobile="center" link_type="none" lightbox_size="hd" link="" lightbox_iframe="" hide_image_title="yes" hover="no" caption_style="" caption_content="caption" custom_caption="" [...] Continue Reading
  • It’s New for Summer

    [ut_service_column headline="Fire..." icon="fa fa-fire" color="#e06945" css=".vc_custom_1489657358876{margin-bottom: 60px !important;}"]Top and bottom vents make it easy to add air to increase heat, or limit air to reduce heat.[/ut_service_column][ut_service_column headline_font_size="desktop_large=global&desktop_small=global&tablet=global&mobile=global" headline_line_height="desktop_large=global&desktop_small=global&tablet=global&mobile=global" headline_letter_spacing="desktop_large=global&desktop_small=global&tablet=global&mobile=global" content_font_size="desktop_large=global&desktop_small=global&tablet=global&mobile=global" content_line_height="desktop_large=global&desktop_small=global&tablet=global&mobile=global" content_letter_spacing="desktop_large=global&desktop_small=global&tablet=global&mobile=global" link_font_weight="" headline="Smoke..." icon="fa fa-fire" color="#e06945" css=".vc_custom_1648668265241{margin-bottom: 60px !important;}"]To impart flavour with just charcoal or with charcoal and wood kindling or chunks.[/ut_service_column][ut_service_column headline="Distance..." icon="fa [...] Continue Reading
  • Introducing the Fire Safety Stick

    The Fire Safety Stick Fire Extinguisher is a simple and easy way to ensure that you are prepared in the event of a fire in your home, vehicle, caravan or camper. It weighs far less than a conventional fire extinguisher and can operate for much longer. And best of all, there is NO damaging mess [...] Continue Reading
  • What should I be aware of when buying a fire pit?

    HAVING an outdoor fire pit will help keep you warm well into the evening. What should I be aware of when buying a fire pit? Firstly, sizes can vary, so do measure your location site and storage space carefully before buying. To avoid accidents, your fire pit must be situated on a solid, non-flammable base [...] Continue Reading
  • 50% OFF all Weather Resistant Outdoor Rugs

    Made from weatherproof woven vinyl which is perfect for outdoor living. Weather-resistant and hard-wearing. Protect your expensive flooring around your barbecue grill from fat drips & food spills. Size: 120cm x 170cm Free delivery [ut_btn button_size="bklyn-btn-normal" button_border_radius="50" font_weight="" button_text="SEE the Full Range - HERE" button_link="|title:Outdoor%20Rug%20%E2%80%93%20Black-Stripe||" button_text_color="#ffffff" button_text_color_hover="#ffffff"] Continue Reading
  • Can I Recycle an Instant Barbecue?

    [ut_page_title title_source="custom" title_linebreak_mobile="on" lead_linebreak_mobile="on" title_font_source="google" title_google_fonts="font_family:Raleway%3A100%2C200%2C300%2Cregular%2C500%2C600%2C700%2C800%2C900%2C100italic%2C200italic%2C300italic%2Citalic%2C500italic%2C600italic%2C700italic%2C800italic%2C900italic|font_style:900%20bold%20italic%3A900%3Aitalic" font_size="font-size-unit=px&desktop_large=70&desktop_small=global&tablet=global&mobile=global" line_height="desktop_large=global&desktop_small=global&tablet=global&mobile=global" title_letter_spacing="desktop_large=global&desktop_small=global&tablet=global&mobile=global" title="YES! - See below for the breakdown." effect="pulse" title_color="#d40909"][/ut_page_title][ut_animated_image image="23531" size="large" custom_width="" custom_height="" custom_crop="on" image_opacity="100" image_border_radius="0" align="left" align_tablet="inherit" align_mobile="center" link_type="none" lightbox_size="hd" link="" lightbox_iframe="" hide_image_title="yes" hover="no" caption_style="" caption_content="caption" custom_caption="" custom_caption_small="" caption_transform="" caption_font_weight="" caption_letter_spacing="0" caption_font_size="" caption_line_height="" caption_color="" caption_background="" caption_below="no" caption_below_transform="" caption_below_font_weight="bold" caption_below_letter_spacing="0" caption_below_font_size="" caption_below_line_height="" caption_below_color="" image_offset="no" image_zoom="yes" shadow="no" [...] Continue Reading
  • Is Charcoal Sustainable?

    [ut_animated_image image="23618" size="full" custom_width="" custom_height="" custom_crop="on" image_opacity="100" image_border_radius="0" align="center" align_tablet="inherit" align_mobile="center" link_type="none" lightbox_size="hd" link="" lightbox_iframe="" hide_image_title="yes" hover="no" caption_style="" caption_content="caption" custom_caption="" custom_caption_small="" caption_transform="" caption_font_weight="" caption_letter_spacing="0" caption_font_size="" caption_line_height="" caption_color="" caption_background="" caption_below="no" caption_below_transform="" caption_below_font_weight="bold" caption_below_letter_spacing="0" caption_below_font_size="" caption_below_line_height="" caption_below_color="" image_offset="no" image_zoom="yes" shadow="no" shadow_canvas_color="" shadow_color="" revealfx="off" revealfx_color="" revealfx_direction="lr" revealfx_delay="0" revealfx_duration="750" glitch_transparent="off" glitch_effect="none" glitch_effect_transparent="none" permanent_glitch="on" accent_1="" accent_2="" accent_3="" rotation="0" rotation_tablet_change="off" rotation_tablet="0" [...] Continue Reading
  • Easy BBQ Smoky Indian Meatballs

    [ut_image_gallery thumbnail_size="medium" grid="4" gallery="18325,18310,18311,18312,18314,18315,18318,18316,18320,18313,18319"][ut_animated_image image="18355" size="full" custom_width="" custom_height="" custom_crop="on" image_opacity="100" image_border_radius="0" align="center" align_tablet="inherit" align_mobile="center" link_type="custom" lightbox_size="hd" link="" hide_image_title="yes" hover="no" caption_style="" caption_content="caption" custom_caption="" custom_caption_small="" caption_transform="" caption_font_weight="" caption_letter_spacing="0" caption_font_size="" caption_line_height="" caption_color="" caption_background="" caption_below="no" caption_below_transform="" caption_below_font_weight="bold" caption_below_letter_spacing="0" caption_below_font_size="" caption_below_line_height="" caption_below_color="" image_offset="no" image_zoom="yes" shadow="no" shadow_canvas_color="" shadow_color="" revealfx="off" revealfx_color="" revealfx_direction="lr" revealfx_delay="0" revealfx_duration="750" glitch_transparent="off" glitch_effect="none" glitch_effect_transparent="none" permanent_glitch="on" accent_1="" accent_2="" accent_3="" rotation="0" [...] Continue Reading